Friday, 3 May 2013

This is my day

So today's topic for BEDM is a day in your life! And well today is unlike any other day for me especially with being a uni student apart from unusually I don't have a hangover due to currently being on a detox. But basically this is the first things I consult when I get up is my laptop and my to do book!

Basically I have to write everything down because I have one of the worst memories possible and then I look at it first thing in the morning so I know what I have to do that day.
Then I have the task of washing my hair - something that really annoys me before having to go to uni for my last ever European Business Environment Lesson! Yay! Then I had to meet my friend and go to the letting agents for next years flat about some paperwork and some questions we had to ask them that simply they didn't know (useless).
After then it was a stop to the pub where I broke my detox:
Which I'm being slightly regretful about now but will just have to make up with exercise in the week! The BBQ and catching up with friends certainly made it worth it but now my bed calls and I won't lie it's the best feeling of the day - even if I only get a few hours sleep before a beautiful full day of moaning customers tomorrow! Yay for retail!!!


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