Palmer's products have always been a bit hit and miss with me - I like their lip balms, the price and the quality of them are really unbeatable but I'm not a fan of their hand cream all that much. I also had to give away one of their body lotions because the smell of the coca butter was too overpowering for me and I just couldn't use it.
However I have found one of their products that I use on a daily basis and cannot rave enough about - Daily Calming Facial Lotion. Simply it's a moisturizer. The thing about this moisturizer is that it actually for once does what it says on the packaging -
'Reduces redness and irritation
Calms stressed skin'
And it really does do all that. I know when I have wake up with redness that this will help with that. It absorbs into the skin quickly so is great when you are in a rush or if you are planning on putting your make up straight after applying. It's lightweight so it can be used in summer as well as winter as it's not heavy on the skin and it generally makes my skin on my face feel a lot fresher - I can feel and see the difference when I've used a different cream on my face.
I will say as much as I really do like this moisturizer, it one thing missing - it has no SPF in it. Which means for me I either have to double up on a moisturizer or go without as I don't wear anything but primer and powder on top and neither of those contain an SPF. That is for me my only moan about an otherwise really great product and the coca butter smell doesn't for some reason smell as strong in this like the other products which is a bonus as well.
If you want to try it out for yourself then it's available from Superdrug is currently on offer for £3.95 normal price £5.99.